
How to Protect Yourself and Others during the COVID-19 or any other Pandemic

Out of Her loving concern regarding the COVID-19 pandemic,
Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) has shared general hygiene notes and other practical tips to protect ourselves and others in this urgent time (and for any other epidemic).

General Hygiene Notes from Master
(Supreme Master Ching Hai [vegan])

These notes have more details because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Originally these were for us, but Master asked us to share them with the public. Observe these precautions and advice as much as you can, as per the situation permits, for your protection.

- Wear full protective suit/hat/mask/gloves/goggles when going out; if have, wear face shield, like those used by welders, or your shielded motorcycle helmet. Don’t touch above your neck if it feels itchy, (scratch with a small clean stick or some similar device.) Take a shower from head to toe and wash clothes with hot water after going out to public areas or shopping, etc....

Preventive Home Remedies for COVID-19 and Other Tips from Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan)

I’m giving you some extra prevention or extra cure medicines and tips, if you’d like to try. Take them between any kind of your prescribed medicine, not together, at least 30 minutes after.
Better when symptoms just start. If a symptom persists after two days, you should consult with your doctor. All this is for prevention and an extra boost for recovery, not to replace your doctor’s prescription for infection.
Apart from all the precautions, you must always be humble, be grateful, that you are healthy. Pray for your safety. Pray for protection.

Important Information from the Chief of COVID, Jan. 26, 2022

On Wednesday, January 26, 2022, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai received important information from the chief of COVID, and She urgently called to share it with some of the Supreme Master Television team members. She also requested this message to be sent out to the world, with the hope to awaken and save as many souls as possible.

Sincere repentance, sincere prayer for forgiveness, sincere vegan. Three things. Even the COVID chief would give you some allowance so that you can get help, to rescue yourself from hell, so that you don’t have to go to hell. And you don’t even have to be reborn as a human again to suffer. If you repent, be vegan, pray for forgiveness sincerely and remember my name, even if you don’t ask for initiation or be my disciple, I still can help you.

Study shows plant-based eaters experience less severe COVID-19 symptoms.

A survey of over 2,800 frontline medical workers in six countries revealed that those following a plant-based diet had a 73% lower chance of developing a moderate to severe COVID-19 infection.
Plus, a second study of almost 600,000 people found that diets with the most plant foods were linked to a reduced risk of a COVID-19 infection altogether.

How to Make Your Own Protective Face Shield, Face Mask and Gloves

Due to the worldwide shortage of protective face masks, out of loving concern, Master has shown us how to make our own. We share these tips from Supreme Master Ching Hai hoping it will help our brothers and sisters in time of urgency. May God protect us all. “You can make your own protective mask by cutting a square piece of transparent, hard plastic. Attach it to a harder band by taping or stapling. Then band it over your forehead with an elastic band or clothes piece to shield your whole face while outing in public places such as supermarkets etc…”

Eating Animals: The Origin of COVID-19 and Other Diseases

Fatal Epidemics / Pandemics Originally Transmitted by Eating Animals
HIV/AIDS – transmitted by chimpanzees
Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (Mad Cow Disease) – transmitted by cows
H5N1 Avian (Bird) Flu – transmitted by chickens, geese
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) – transmitted by civets
H1N1 Swine Flu (Pig's Disease) – transmitted by pigs
MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) – transmitted by camels
Ebola – transmitted by bats
COVID-19 – transmitted from bats to pangolins
All these diseases are transmitted FROM ANIMALS TO HUMANS

Secret about COVID-19

The COVID-19 virus, they have souls in them. That’s why they’re so smart, so versatile and so difficult to catch and to cure. These are the souls of the massacred and abused and tortured animals that the humans have been consuming.

Vegan: The Final Solution to Steer Away from the Pandemic Spiral, Part 1 of 4

In the series, we will look at the tremendously harmful impacts of COVID-19 on humanity and the potential severe side effects of COVID vaccines. Today, in Part 1 of 4, we are going to talk about how this coronavirus is gaining ground to cause extensive infections worldwide.

When the pandemic had just begun, scientists and public health experts made predictions about COVID-19 based on their prior experiences with other viruses, hoping that the majority of people would eventually develop immunity to stop the pathogen from spreading. Unfortunately, scientists have learned over the past two years that these assumptions are out of the equation for stopping the transmission of COVID-19.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 75% of newly-emerged infectious diseases are zoonotic, meaning that pathogens have jumped from animal-persons to humans. Zoonotic diseases account for 60% of all infectious diseases in humans. Animal-people factories as well as increasing populat……
41 - 48 of 51 Results

Pandemics: The Key to Prevention, Part 3 of 3


Pandemics: The Key to Prevention, Part 3 of 3

The threat of future zoonoses or animal-transmitted diseases is even more concerning. Currently, over 72 billion land animals are slaughtered for human consumption every year. And what’s even more troubling is that many of these animals were raised on factory farms. For years, world health experts have warned about the dangers of factory farms as uncontrolled sources of new viruses. World organizations recognize the need for international regulation of the livestock animals’ industry. Pandemics
2020-06-01   1023 Views
2020-06-01   1023 Views

Pandemics: The Key to Prevention, Part 2 of 3


Pandemics: The Key to Prevention, Part 2 of 3

Over the past century, almost every pandemic has been a zoonoses. World authorities and organizations have become increasingly alarmed about the ever-increasing number of zoonotic diseases. The World Health Organization has also expressed concern, estimating that approximately one billion illnesses and millions of deaths occur each year from zoonoses, and that 60% of all existing infectious diseases in the world came from animals. As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, China temporarily clos
2020-05-25   1097 Views
2020-05-25   1097 Views

Pandemics: The Key to Prevention, Part 1 of 3


Pandemics: The Key to Prevention, Part 1 of 3

In late December 2019, news of a strange new virus emerging in Southern China began to surface. The virus, it was reported, was highly contagious. The World Health Organization named it “coronavirus disease,” or “COVID-19.” COVID-19 proved to be extremely contagious and spread like wildfire through China’s massive population. On March 11,2020, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director General of the World Health Organization, declared the Virus to be a global pandemic, stating, “We are deeply
2020-05-18   1252 Views
2020-05-18   1252 Views

Going Vegan - The Only Pandemic-Free Diet - in 21 Days, Part 2 of 2


Going Vegan - The Only Pandemic-Free Diet - in 21 Days, Part 2 of 2

“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” is an adage famously spoken by Hippocrates, the Greek physician. Hippocrates is known as the “Father of Medicine.” It’s not surprising then, that the incredible healing properties of living a whole-food plant-based lifestyle can be seen in those who follow Dr. Neal Barnard’s 21-Day Vegan Kickstart program. He is a Shining World Compassion Award recipient. Whole foods are plant foods that are unprocessed and unrefined, or processed and refi
2020-11-17   1342 Views
2020-11-17   1342 Views

United States researchers highlight evidence on how plant-based diets reduce COVID severity.


United States researchers highlight evidence on how plant-based diets reduce COVID severity.

Dr. Hana Kahleova and Shining World Compassion Award recipient Dr. Neal Barnard of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine have published a commentary in the “European Journal of Clinical Nutrition” that discusses recent research on how a plant-based diet lessens COVID intensity.One study with nearly 600,000 participants found that “a dietary pattern characterized by healthy plant-based foods was associated with a 9% lower risk of COVID-19 infection and a 41% lower risk of s
2022-03-14   277 Views
2022-03-14   277 Views

Vegan: The Solution to Steer Away from the Pandemic Spiral, Part 3 of 4


Vegan: The Solution to Steer Away from the Pandemic Spiral, Part 3 of 4

In today’s show, we will look at some of the adverse health effects of COVID-19 and talk about the reasons why the coronavirus should not be underestimated for the sake of our long-term wellness.Hospitalized cases climbed quickly following a wave of Omicron subvariant BA.5 in the United States and Europe. BA.5 has evolved with some key mutations that can help it escape from the antibodies induced by vaccines and prior infection.The risk of death for people with reinfection was two
2022-11-05   299 Views
2022-11-05   299 Views

Protecting the Vulnerable During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Part 1 of 2


Protecting the Vulnerable During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Part 1 of 2

Worries and fears are in the hearts of everyone during this time of unease. This is especially the case for medically vulnerable populations who tend to carry these emotional burdens significantly more than healthy individuals. Older adults (those 70-plus years of age) and people who have underlying medical conditions such as a non-severe lung condition, heart disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, as well as those with a weakened immune system or are very obese are assumed to
2020-11-07   658 Views
2020-11-07   658 Views

Eating Animals Causes Pandemics, Part 1 of 4


Eating Animals Causes Pandemics, Part 1 of 4

On May 1, 2021, concerned people from 60 cities in 20 different countries participated in the International Pandemic Outreach Initiative, organized by Eating Animals Causes Pandemics, calling attention to the dangerous connection between pandemics and the exploitation of animals. In today’s episode, we learn from two of the primary organizers of this international initiative, Mo Markham and Ray Ippolito, why they are so worried about future pandemics.“Zoonotic viruses are when a virus jum
2021-08-31   1282 Views
2021-08-31   1282 Views
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Be Vegan = Keep Peace
I don’t want to mince my words anymore. Our time is short now. Our world is in truly imminent emergency. There are a few ticking bombs, not just one. No need to wait for even climate change. Heaven is angry. Earth is angry. The Nature is angry, waiting, waiting for us to return to our original loving, kind nature, as God intended us to have. Waiting for us to exercise this power to save others and to save ourselves and our family. All this angry, anguished energy is all aiming at us. Compared to this energy, the atom bomb is nothing. It’s like a child’s toy. Hell is inevitable if we do not change our way of life. Help the planet. Rescue the animals. Save our world. Be a hero.

~ Supreme Master Ching Hai (Vegan)
World-renowned Humanitarian, Artist, and Spiritual Master
February 6, 2020
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s URGENT Message to All Animal Meat Business & Livestock Factory Owners, also Fishing, Egg, Milk, Fur, Lab Test, Cosmetics and Leather Industries
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s URGENT Message to All Religious and Spiritual Leaders
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s URGENT Message to All World Leaders and Governments
You are welcome to download these URGENT Messages and share them with concerned personages, family and friends. God bless.
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